Have you ever wondered whether you were supposed to do something or not do it? It could be a job, moving, volunteering, etc. There is that point when you wonder what God's will is. What does He want you to do? Then there are other times when you are pretty confident that you are supposed to take on the task, position, or go on that journey. It makes sense. It fits you. Then you pull the trigger. That is who you are. You are not going to get stuck sitting and waiting for a sign. You ask, you listen, you use your wisdom, and sometimes your reasoning. Some people get "peace" from it. That is a gift. I rarely have some type of peace come over me BEFORE I make the decision. Then it happens. You are in the middle of it and realize this was the wrong decision. It's not like you are "sinning," but you know this isn't what God wanted. You can feel it. You missed God.
It is sometimes hard to know the right move, but we can! Even after we find ourselves in a place that we know was the wrong decision. First, it's okay. God is bigger than your wrong decision. He can overcome it and make something beautiful out of it. That is what He does. He also can teach us a lesson in the middle of it. We must keep our ears and heart open to learn and discern what inspired us to make that decision. Sometimes, we wanted to do it; other times, we tried to verify our place in life. Whatever moved you, learn from it. The first step to that is being extremely honest with yourself. Allow God to search you and reveal hidden motivations within your soul. Knowing God's will can be difficult because we filter His direction, voice, and will through our souls.
"I appeal to you, therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Romans 12:1-2 ESV
Discerning God's will is more than possible! Making the right decisions about a career path, who to marry, investments, and even what to eat this Saturday are within our grasp. The more we are transformed, the easier it gets. There is so much revelation in the two verses above. One of the wonders is that we can be transformed to do God's will, which gives us maximum life. We so often choose good instead of great, or we don't choose for fear of choosing wrong. That is a choice, too!
I have the personality to choose something rather than not choose. I would rather be wrong. I am sitting in one of those wrong decisions right now. I wonder if I even consulted God before making this decision. It just seemed right. Now, I am counting on God to make beauty because I feel like I am ashes. Have you been there? As the proverb says, if you have put up security for a neighbor, get out of it in any way possible! If you can, that may be the best thing for you, but what if you are in the middle of something you can't get "out" of? Then, you glorify God with all your heart, soul, and strength. See it through to the end with a whole heart…, and learn.