Week 1:
Complete the Lifestyle Eating, Food Log and Fitness categories. Plus, choose at least 2 other categories (e.g., Sunlight and Water). You may complete more categories if you would like to.
Water: A – 64 oz./day B – Half your body weight in ounces/day C – Add 16 ounces to challenge B.
Sun: A – 10 minutes B – 15 minutes C – 20 minutes
Touch: A – 5 hugs B – 8 hugs C – 10 hugs
Sleep: A – 5.5 hours B – 6.5 hours C -7.5 hours
Rest: A – Rest, play, recreate 8 hours in a row B –10 hours in a row C - 12 hours in a row
Laugh: A – 5 laughs B – 8 laughs C – 10 laughs
Enjoyment: A – 2 moments of pure enjoyment B – 4 moments C – 5 moments
Lifestyle Eating: Challenge: A – No soda B – No sugar drinks C – No juice/drinks with sugar added (Be a stud. Do all 3!)
-Fitness Challenge:
A – Move 3 days this week for 15 minutes
B – Move 4 days this week for 20 minutes
C – Move 5 days this week for 30 minutes; do 1 HIIT and 1 timed intense workout
Log all food intake and exercise!
Helpful apps:
Week 2:
Complete the Lifestyle Eating, Food Log and Fitness categories. Plus, choose at least 2 other categories (e.g., Sunlight and Water). You may complete more categories if you would like to.
Water: A – Half body weight in ounces B – Body weight + 16 oz C – Body weight + 24 oz
Sun: A – 15 minutes B – 20 minutes C – 25 minutes
Touch: A – 8 hugs B – 10 hugs C – 12 hugs
Sleep: A – 6 hours B – 7 hours C -8 hours
Rest: A – Rest, play, recreate 10 hours in a row B –12 hours in a row C – Full day
Laugh: A – 8 laughs B – 10 laughs C – 12 laughs
Enjoyment: A – 4 moments of pure enjoyment B – 6 moments C – 7 moments
Lifestyle Eating: A –No juice/drinks with sugar added, artificial sweeteners, or trans fat; 3 servings of veggies per day B – No added sweeteners in anything, no trans fat; 4 servings of veggies per day C – Challenge B plus a daily whole food multi-vitamin/mineral; 5 servings of veggies per day
-Read: "Eat This, Not That!"
-Fitness Challenge:
A – Move 3 days this week for 20 minutes; do 1 upper body workout, 1 lower body with core workout, and 1 intense workout; Stretch for 5 minutes a day
B – Move 4 days this week for 25 minutes; do 1 upper body workout, 1 lower body workout, 1 intense workout, and 1 cardio core workout; Stretch for 5 minutes a day
C – Move 5 days this week for 30 minutes; do 1 HIIT and 1 timed intense workout, 1 cardio core workout, 1 upper body workout, and 1 lower body workout; Stretch twice a day for 5 minutes
Continue to log all exercise and food intake!
Week 3:
Complete the Lifestyle Eating, Food Log and Fitness categories. Plus, choose at least 2 other categories (e.g., Sunlight and Water). You may complete more categories if you would like to.
Water: A – Half your body weight in ounces, plus replenish ounce for ounce any dehydrating fluids you drink B – Add 16 ounces to Challenge A. C – Add 24 ounces to Challenge A.
Sun: A – 15 minutes B – 20 minutes C – 25 minutes
Touch: A – Somehow touch everyone you talk to (high 5’s, shake hands, fist bump, etc.) B – Have at least 2 warm embraces with your spouse, parent or child C – Give a neck rub to someone every day
Sleep: A – 6.5 hours B – 7.5 hours C – 8.5 hours
Rest: A – Rest, play, recreate sun up to sundown B – 12 hours in a row C - Full day
Laugh: A – Watch or listen to something funny for 5 minutes B – 10 minutes C – 15 minutes
Enjoyment: A – 4 moments of pure enjoyment B – 6 moments C – 7 moments
Lifestyle Eating: A – Continue with no sweeteners added, 4 servings of veggies per day, and 1 fruit B – Continue with no sweeteners added, 5 servings of veggies per day, and 1 fruit C – Continue with no sweeteners added, 6 servings of veggies per day, and 1 fruit
-Fitness Challenge:
A – Move 4 days this week for 20 minutes; do 1 upper body strength workout, 1 lower body interval workout, 1 intense workout, and 1 cardio core workout; Stretch 5 minutes a day; Foam roll for 10 minutes a day
B – Move 4 days this week for 30 minutes; do 1 upper body workout, 1 lower body workout, 1 intense workout, and 1 cardio core workout; Stretch 5 minutes a day; Foam roll for 10 minutes a day
C – Move 5 days this week for 40 minutes; do 1 HIIT and 1 timed intense full body workout; 1 core strength with a core Tabata workout; 1 upper body strength workout, and 1 lower body strength workout; PNF stretch your legs with a partner; Foam roll 10 minutes each evening
Continue to log all exercise and food intake!
Week 4:
Complete the Lifestyle Eating, Food Log and Fitness categories. Plus, choose at least 2 other categories (e.g., Sunlight and Water). You may complete more categories if you would like to.
Water: A – Consume at least half your body weight in ounces for the day. Drink 24 of those ounces within 15 minutes of waking. B – Consume at least half your body weight in ounces for the day. Drink 24 of those ounces of water within 15 minutes of waking, and drink 16 of those ounces of water at Noon. C – Consume half your body weight in ounces for the day + 24 ounces. Drink 24 of those ounces of water within 15 minutes of waking, drink 16 of those ounces of water at Noon, and drink 16 of those ounces at 5:00 p.m.
Sun: A – 15 minutes B – 20 minutes C – 25 minutes
Touch: A – Somehow touch everyone you talk to (high 5’s, shake hands, fist bump, etc.). B – Have at least 4 warm embraces with your spouse, parent, child or close friend C – Touch your spouse for a time of at least 15 minutes uninterrupted
Sleep: A – 6.5 hours B – 7.5 hours C – 9 hours
Rest: A – Rest, play, recreate sun up to sundown B – Rest, play, recreate a full day. C – Rest 5 minutes in the middle of each day and do something playful for 15 minutes at a different time each day in addition to a full day of rest, play and recreate.
Laugh: A – Make 3 people laugh B – Read something comical for 15 minutes C – Force 2 long belly laughs with a friend, child or spouse. (Be a stud. Do all 3!
Enjoyment: A – Write down 5 moments of enjoyment throughout the week B – Write down 6 moments of enjoyment throughout the week C – Write down 7 moments of enjoyment throughout the week
Lifestyle Eating: A – Check every label and if you can’t pronounce it, don’t consume it B – Eat nothing out of a package this week except for whole food source products (e.g., butter is in a package). Everything must be whole food products. If a product has more than four ingredients, don’t eat it. C – Eat 100% non-GMO and 50% organic this week (depending on the season it may be hard to get organic veggies, so do the best you can). Everything you eat must be from a single food source. That means you can mix ingredients, but you can’t buy anything that has premixed ingredients for you.
-Fitness Challenge:
A – Move 4 days this week for 20 minutes; do 1 upper body strength workout, 1 lower body interval workout, 1 intense workout, and 1 cardio core workout; Stretch 5 minutes a day; Foam roll for 10 minutes a day
B – Move 4 days this week for 30 minutes; do 1 upper body workout, 1 lower body workout, 1 intense workout, and 1 cardio core workout; Stretch 5 minutes a day; Foam roll for 10 minutes a day
C – Move 5 days this week for 40 minutes; do 1 HIIT and 1 timed intense full body workout; 1 core strength with a core Tabata workout; 1 upper body strength workout, and 1 lower body strength workout; PNF stretch your legs with a partner; Foam roll 10 minutes each evening
Continue to log all exercise and food intake!